Hello, world!

 Hi! I'm all-other-usernames-were-taken (now aouwt). You also may know me as efils on Scratch.

 I enjoy programming, specifically in QuickBasic-derived languages (could you tell?) but I also enjoy Scratch, and I am currently learning 6502 assembly. I also know a tad of C and C++.

 Want to do a collab with me? I'm quite busy with school right now, but I might be able to find time to do a collab. Contact me here to see if I'm available!

 Comments, questions, or suggestions? Make a comment here!

 Want to see some of my work? See my GitHub account, my Scratch profile, my stuff page, or down below!

 Want to see what I've been up to? Go to my blog!

What I'm currently working on:

I'm currently working on a window manager written in QB64, although calling it a window manager is kind of stretching it. More details here.

My projects

Here is a list of my projects (most of them are unfinished)

More miscellaneous projects can be found here.